Hippo Penny Game Reviews

the talos principle 2
Outstanding Experience
Hippo Penny! I'm back with another review that's guaranteed to make you groggy... I mean, groovy!

The Talos Principle 2 has finally rolled out, and I'm here to give you the lowdown on whether this puzzle game is a brain-twisting masterpiece or just another piece of the same old puzzle. Let me tell you, folks, it's a doozy!

Now, before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's get one thing straight: some critics are so pretentious, they'd make even the most skeptical gamer say, "Huh? Did I just read that?" Case in point: Eurogamer Germany. Whoa, buddy, slow down! You're saying this game makes you think like a Nobel Prize winner? Give me a break!

On the other hand, we have critics who actually get what's going on (see: Meristation). These guys know how to praise a game without making it sound like they just won the Pulitzer Prize. "It's one of the best games of 2023"? Yeah, okay, sure thing, buddy! You got me there!

Game Rant gets it right too; they're not afraid to give some constructive criticism while still loving the game for what it is: a fantastic puzzle adventure that'll keep you hooked for hours on end.

Checkpoint Gaming goes one better – their review reads like an ode to Croteam's masterpiece. Top marks, guys! You're making me want to play this game all over again!

And then there are the critics who just don't get it (cough, GLHF on Sports Illustrated). I mean, what's with the whole "narrative greatly drags it down"? Are you kidding me? It's like they're trying to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

So, what's my take on The Talos Principle 2? Well, let's just say that if you loved the original (or even if you didn't), this sequel is a must-play. Yes, it might be a bit too long-winded at times, but who doesn't love a good puzzle game?

In conclusion, Hippo Penny says: if you're a fan of puzzle games, The Talos Principle 2 is the real deal! Don't let those naysayers get you down – just dive in and see for yourself!

Stay groovy, my friends!


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